
USDA is about to spend additional millions to promote the meat industry.

USDA is about to spend additional millions to promote the meat industry.

USDA is proposing a new “checkoff” program to allocate additional funds, which can potentially total $160 million, for the promotion and marketing of beef in 2015, as red meat production and sales have declined. This creates a clear conflict of interest as the USDA is also the organization that 

15 things we can do to save the elephants

15 things we can do to save the elephants

15 things we can do to save the elephants 1. Don’t buy or sell ivory, meat, leather, and other wildlife products. 2. Don’t support organizations exploiting or abusing elephants and other animals for entertainment and profit, like circuses, zoos, marketing, tv, films, and tourism. 3. 

15 amazing facts you probably didn’t know about Elephants

15 amazing facts you probably didn’t know about Elephants

If you were to ask me which species I love the most, even though it would be extremely hard for me to pick just one, I would have to say elephants (Elephas maximus)! My first encounter with an elephant was when I was around 14yrs 

Reality Check!

Reality Check!

How many universes are there? – Chris Anderson Animation by Andrew Park. In this video, Chris Anderson and Andrew park take us on a wonderfully humbling and insightful journey. So sit back and enjoy the ride!

The Orca Awareness Project

The Orca Awareness Project

A girl meets an orca in captivity and comes to the realization that she too, needs to be free. Orcas are the largest of the dolphins, and they live in large pods or family groups of up to 40 individuals. Even though the world’s oldest 

Cruelty-free alternatives for the holidays

Cruelty-free alternatives for the holidays

With the holiday season just around the corner, here are some of the cruelty-free alternatives available on the market. 1. Vegan Whole Turkey by Vegetarian Plus According to the manufacturers, “you’ll look twice to make sure it’s really vegan.” It’s made with non-GMO soy and comes with Vegan Gravy and a 

Brown rice noodles with spicy peanut sauce

Brown rice noodles with spicy peanut sauce

In the mood for something spicy? Here is a really versatile gluten-free recipe that is sure to hit the sweet spot! In case you don’t like spicy food, all you have to do is refrain from adding chilies. You can pretty much use any of 

Movie Time: My Life as a Turkey

Movie Time: My Life as a Turkey

Wondering what movie to watch this weekend? Why not snuggle up to this excellent documentary about a man’s remarkable experience raising a group of wild turkey hatchlings to adulthood? My Life as a Turkey is based on the book Illumination in the Flatwoods by Joe 

Spaghetti & Zucchini Noodles With Greens & Avocado Sauce

Spaghetti & Zucchini Noodles With Greens & Avocado Sauce

Here is another easy and nutrient-dense dish. We all know how absolutely essential greens are for good health. They are low in calories, low in sugars, low in sodium, no cholesterol, high in fiber, and a nutrient powerhouse! They contain a high amount of antioxidants, 

‘Tis the season we gorge on sugar…

‘Tis the season we gorge on sugar…

With the approaching festivities, I thought It would be a good idea for us to get to know one of the ingredients we usually end up gorging during this period, sugar. Did you know that Indians were the first to crystallize sugar around 2000 years